What a loaded question. LOL. We had them hauling in most of the congregation, individually questioning them if anyone knew of any reason why we weren't attending the meetings. They even called brothers up in Wawa, On which is six hours away from where we use to live asking them if we had said anything that was negative against the org. We didn't even know them. Just processed their venison for them. Then they told all individuals to not talk to us if they saw us.
We were followed a few times while out in service by this one idiot elder and his wife who never liked doing service(Sean and Lisa of the Elmira congregation). They would drive past our studies as we were walking into their homes. I would semi jokingly ask Sean if he was following us and he said they were on their way to their houses that they cleaned windows for. I would ask but why would you clean windows in your suit. He would walk away. They had just come out of the field service arrangement and then follow us to our calls.
Then we caught them sitting outside of our lane for five hours waiting for us to come and unlock the gates. That was the morning they df'd my husband.